Resources For Victims
Victim Compensation Program
As a victim of crime, you may be entitled to receive victim compensation from the State of Arizona Crime Victim Compensation Program. Victim Compensation provides financial relief to victims who have experienced an economic loss as a direct result of a crime. Eligible victims may submit an application for victim compensation benefits if they reported the crime within 72 hours of discovery, are cooperating with law enforcement, submit their application within two years of the victimization, have suffered an economic loss not covered by another source, and have not contributed to their victimization. To learn more about the State of Arizona Victim Compensation Program, visit https://www.azcjc.gov/Programs/Victim-Services/Compensation-Program.
For assistance completing an application for victim compensation, contact our office at 480-600-2661.
Victim Services Divisions
for Prosecuting Agencies
Apache County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 637
St. Johns, AZ 85936
(928) 337-7560
Cochise County Attorney's Office
Victims Witness Program
P.O. Drawer CA
Bisbee, AZ 85603
(520) 432-8700
Coconino County Victim/Witness
201 E. Birch, Suite 4
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 679-7770
Gila County Attorney's Office
Victim Services Unit
1400 E. Ash Street
Globe, AZ 85501
(928) 402-8836
Graham County Attorney's Office
Victim/Witness Program
800 West Main Street
Safford, AZ 85546
(928) 428-4787
Greenlee County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1717
Clifton, AZ 85533
(928) 865-4108
La Paz County Attorney's Office
1320 Kofa Avenue
Parker, AZ 85344
(928) 669-6118
Maricopa County Attorney's Office
225 West Madison Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
(602) 506-8522
Mohave County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 7000
Kingman, AZ 86402-7000
(928) 718-4967
Navajo County Attorney's Office
Victims Services
P.O. Box 668
Holbrook, AZ 86025
(928) 524-4332
Pima County Attorney's Office
32 N. Stone Ave., 14th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 724-5525
Pinal County Attorney's Office
Victim Services
P.O. Box 1798
Florence, AZ 85132
(520) 866-6805
Santa Cruz County Attorney's Office
2150 N. Congress Dr., Suite 201
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 375-7780
Yavapai County Attorney's Office
255 E. Gurley St., 1st Floor
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 771-3485
Yuma County Attorney's Office
Yuma Victim Services Division
250 W. 2nd Street, Suite G
Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 817-4300
Arizona Attorney General
Office of Victim Services
Phoenix Office
2005 North Central
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 542-4911
Arizona Attorney General
Office of Victim Services
Tucson Office
400 W. Congress
South Building, Suite 315
Tucson, AZ 85701
(501) 628-6504
Arizona Board of Executive Clemency
1645 West Jefferson, Suite 101
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 542-5656
Arizona Department of Corrections
Office of Victim Services
1645 West Jefferson MC250
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(866) 787-7233
(602) 542-1854
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
Phoenix Office
21711 N. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85024
(623) 466-1999
Federal Bureau of Prisons
United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona
Victim Witness Section
Phoenix Office
Two Renaissance Square
40 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1800
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
(602) 514-7500
(800) 800-2570
United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona
Tucson Office
405 W. Congress, Suite 4800
Tucson, Arizona 85701-5040
(620) 520-7300
(888) 565-0631
United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona
Flagstaff Office
123 N. San Francisco St. Suite 410
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 556-0833
(928) 556-0759
Police Departments
Apache Junction Police Department- Pinal County
1001 N Idaho Rd, Apache Junction, AZ 85119
PD website- http://www.ajcity.net/112/Police-Department
PD phone number- (480) 982-8260
Victim services website- https://www.ajcity.net/666/Victim-Advocate
Victim services phone number- (480) 747-2604
Avondale Police Department- Maricopa County
11485 Civic Center Dr, Avondale, AZ 85323
PD website- http://www.avondaleaz.gov/government/departments/police
PD phone number- (623) 333-7001
Victim services website- https://www.avondaleaz.gov/government/departments/police/police-department-programs/victims-services
Victim services phone number- (623) 333-7219
Buckeye Police Department- Maricopa County
100 N Apache Rd # D, Buckeye, AZ 85326
PD website- https://www.buckeyeaz.gov/residents/police
PD phone number- (623) 349-6462
Victim services website- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=295734761343529
Victim services phone number- (623) 349-6462
Victim services email- victimservices@buckeyeaz.gov
Bullhead Police Department- Mohave County
1255 Marina Blvd, Bullhead City, AZ 86442
PD website- (928) 763-9200
PD phone number- https://www.bullheadcity.com/departments/police/day-to-day-activities/records
Victim services website- https://www.bullheadcity.com/government/departments/city-prosecutor-s-office/crime-victim-services
Victim services phone number- (928) 763-0163
Victim services email- victimservices@bullheadcity.com
Casa Grande Police Department- Pinal County
373 East Val Vista Boulevard, Casa Grande, AZ 85122
PD website- https://casagrandeaz.gov/police/
PD phone number- (520) 421-8700
Victim services website- https://casagrandeaz.gov/city-attorney/
Victim services phone number- (520) 421-8600
Victim services email- cityattorney@casagrandeaz.gov
Chandler Police Department- Maricopa County
250 E Chicago St, Chandler, AZ 85225
PD website- https://www.chandlerpd.com/forms/request-report/
PD phone number- (480) 782-4000
Victim services website- https://www.chandlerpd.com/about/victim-services/
Victim services phone number- (480) 782-4535
Cottonwood Police Department- Yavapai County
199 S 6th St, Cottonwood, AZ 86326
PD website- http://cottonwoodaz.gov/328/Police-Department
PD phone number- (928) 634-4246
Victim services website- http://cottonwoodaz.gov/515/Victim-Assistance
Victim services phone number- (928) 340-2162
Victim services email- jrutschow@cottonwoodaz.gov
El Mirage Police Department- Maricopa County
12401 W Cinnabar Ave, El Mirage, AZ 85335
PD website- http://www.cityofelmirage.org/1136/Records-and-Reports
PD phone number- (623) 500-3000
Victim services website- http://www.cityofelmirage.org/1130/Victim-Assistance
Victim services phone number- (623) 500-3090
Victim services email- vau@elmirageaz.gov
Flagstaff Police Department- Coconino County
201 E Birch Ave Suite # 4 Flagstaff, AZ 86001
PD website- http://www.flagstaff.az.gov/3594/Records-Division
PD phone number- (928) 779-3646
Victim services website- https://www.flagstaff.az.gov/323/Victim-Services
Victim services phone number- (928) 856-7676
Gilbert Police Department- Maricopa County
75 E Civic Center Dr. Gilbert, AZ 85296
PD website- https://www.gilbertaz.gov/departments/police
PD phone number- (480) 503-6500
Victim services website- https://www.gilbertaz.gov/departments/court/court-resources/victim-s-rights-and-services
Victim services phone number- (480) 503-6500
Glendale Police Department- Maricopa County
6835 N 57th Dr, Glendale, AZ 85301
PD website- https://www.glendaleaz.com/cms/one.aspx?pageId=15329503
PD phone number- (623) 930-3000
Victim services website- https://www.glendaleaz.com/cms/One.aspx?portalId=15209085&pageId=15329605
Victim services phone number- (623) 930-3030
Victim services email- pdva@glendaleaz.com
Mesa Police Department- Maricopa County
130 N Robson, Mesa, AZ 85201
PD website- http://www.mesaaz.gov/residents/police/divisions/records
PD phone number- (480) 644-2211
Victim services website- https://www.mesaaz.gov/residents/police/divisions/mesa-family-advocacy-center/victim-services
Victim services phone number- (480) 644-4075
Peoria Police Department- Maricopa County
8351 W Cinnabar Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345
PD website- https://www.peoriaaz.gov/government/departments/police/online-services-and-information/obtain-police-records
PD phone number- (623) 773-7098
Victim services website- https://www.peoriaaz.gov/home/showdocument?id=474
Victim services phone number- (623) 773-7019
Phoenix Police Department- Maricopa County
Public Record and Services Unit 1717 E Grant St, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85034
PD website- https://www.phoenix.gov/police/help/crime-stats-pub-records
PD phone number- (602) 534-1127
Victim services website- https://www.phoenix.gov/law/victims/contact
Victim services phone number- (602) 261-8192
Victim services email- vs.web.page@phoenix.gov
Prescott Police Department- Yavapai County
222 S Marina St, Prescott, AZ 86303
PD website- http://www.prescott-az.gov/services-safety/police/
PD phone number- (928) 777-1900
Victim services website- http://www.prescott-az.gov/services-safety/police/victim-resources/
Victim services phone number- (928) 777-1936
Prescott Valley Police Department- Yavapai County
7601 E Skoog Boulevard Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
PD website- https://www.pvaz.net/291/Police-Department
PD phone number- (928) 772-9267
Victim services website- https://www.pvaz.net/934/Victim-Assistance
Victim services phone number- (928) 772-5168
Scottsdale Police Department- Maricopa County
3700 N. 75th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85251
PD website- https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/police
PD phone number- (480) 312-1999
Victim services website- https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/victim-services
Victim services phone number- (480) 312-4226
Tucson Police Department- Pima County
103 E. Alameda, Suite 501, Tucson, AZ 85711
PD website- http://www.tucsonaz.gov/police/faq#RECORDS
PD phone number- (520) 791-6813
Victim services website- https://www.tucsonaz.gov/police/victim-rights-information-vine
Victim services phone number- (520) 791-5483
Willcox Police Department- Cochise County
320 West Rex Allen Drive, Wilcox, AZ
PD website- https://willcox.az.gov/departments/Police
PD phone number- (520) 384-4673
Victim services website- https://willcox.az.gov/departments/Police/victims-rights
Victim services phone number- (520) 384-4673
Sheriff’s Offices
Apache County Sheriff’s Office
Apache County Sheriff -- Joseph Dedman Jr.
Phone: (928) 337-4321 or (800) 352-1850
Cochise County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff-- Mark Daniels
(520) 432-9500 or (800) 362-0812
Coconino County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff-- Jim Driscoll
Records Phone (928) 214-2530
Administration Phone (928) 226-5012
Gila County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff-- J. Adam Shepherd
(928) 425-4449
Graham County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff-- Preston “P.J.” Allred
(928) 428-3141
Greenlee County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—Tim Sumner
(928) 865-4149
La Paz County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff- Bill Risen
(928) 669-6141
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—Paul Penzone
(602) 876-1000
Mohave County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—Doug Schuster
(928) 753-0753
Navajo County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—David Clouse
(928) 536-7327
Pima County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff-- Mark Napier
(520) 351-4600
Pinal County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff- Mark Lamb
(520) 866-5111
Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—Jim Hart
(520) 761-7869
Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff— Scott Mascher
(928) 771-3260
Yuma County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff—Leon N. Wilmot
(928) 783-4427
Victim Service Providers
Arizona Child and Adolescent Survivor Initiative (ACASI)
(602) 266-5976
Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA)
(877) 235-7268
Child Crisis Arizona
(480) 834-8434
(602) 271-4500
(602) 955-9059
Community Legal Services
(602) 258-3434
Family Violence Institution (FVI)
(928) 523-3591
Fresh Start Women’s Foundation
(602) 252-8494
National Center on Elder Abuse
(855) 500-3537
National Crime Victim Bar Association
(202) 467-8716
National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI)
(503) 768-6819
National Office of Victims Assistance (NOVA)
800-879-6682 (800-TRY-NOVA)
National Organization for Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)
(602) 254-8818
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
RAINN—National Sexual Assault Hotline
(800) 656-HOPE
Southwest Human Development
(602) 266-5976
Victim Connect
(855) 4-Victim
Family Advocacy Centers
Amberly’s Place
Yuma, Arizona
(928) 373-0849
City of Maricopa Family Advocacy Center
(520) 316-6800
City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center
(602) 534-2120
Glendale Family Advocacy Center
(623) 930-3030
Mesa Family Advocacy Center
(480) 644-4075
Pinal County Family Advocacy Center
Eloy FAC: (520) 866-7500
San Tan Valley FAC: (520) 866-7020