AVCV Services
AVCV has represented victims, without limitation on the type of victimization, in City and Justice Courts, Arizona’s Superior Court in nearly every Arizona county, the Arizona Court of Appeals, the Arizona Supreme Court, the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency, the Federal District Court for the District of Arizona, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
AVCV’s mission is to ensure that crime victims receive their rights to justice, due process and dignified treatment throughout the criminal justice process. To achieve this purpose, AVCV provides pro bono legal representation, social services, training and education, and technical assistance.
AVCV's vision is to establish a compassionate justice system in which crime victims are informed of their rights, fully understand those rights, know how to assert their rights, have a meaningful way to enforce those rights, and know how to seek immediate crisis intervention when they become victims of crime.

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